Have I Mentioned That I LOVE All Things Natural?

Oh yeah, I have. More than once. Or twice.

So anyways, you know who Dooce is, right? If you do, that’s fabulous! If not, what rock have you been hiding under? She is everywhere. Books. Television. And of course, the Internet. She is HUGE. She is the most popular female blogger out there – so big that she makes $40,000 a month by BLOGGING. Not to mention that she also writes books about mommyhood that are full of the funny. Her blog is funny too. No, funny doesn’t quite describe it. It is abso-freakin-lutely hilarious. And she’s not afraid to tell it like it is, even when it comes to post-partum hemorrhoids.

So what did Dooce do today? She blogged about her daughter Marlo’s birth story. Her natural birth. And she is one of the most unlikely people to ever choose a natural birth. But she did. I highly recommend that you head over there RIGHT NOW and read it. Especially if you are pregnant, thinking about getting pregnant, or capable of ever becoming or getting someone pregnant. Trust me, you will love it.